Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 38 - Stheno

Meet Medusa's eldest sister, Stheno :)


Big D made a new friend at school that she talks about & draws about nonstop! hehe 

My Friend & Me

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 37- Waiting

I actually drew this one while waiting for the pizza delivery man :) 


D also drew this while waiting for the pizza man! hehehe


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 36 - Once

For all you Pearl Jam fans out there.... I drew this listening to Once. Hence the name :) Still love that song :)

(pencil & marker)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 35 - Whisper

I finally got my new sketchbook! For those of you who also need a new sketchbook, Hobby Lobby has them on sale for 40% off :) hehe You may call me the Coupon Whisperer :) HA!

(marker and watercolor)

The girl loves her rainbows! Love it!

Happy Family

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 34 - Pumpkin

Getting excited for Halloween!!!!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 33 - Two Minutes

One of my little ladies has been in timeout quiet often lately... so the drawing today was inspired by the many Two Minute sessions we have been having :) 
PS... once again, sorry for the break in posts. A nasty upper respiratory thing has been making it's way through our house, leaving me sick, or busy taking care of my sick family :) Love this time of year :)

Two Minutes
(ballpoint pen)

Family Time

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 32 - Angel

I sat down to draw a picture ... and it wasn't turning out the way I had seen it in my head. So I grabbed a new piece of paper (my sketch book is now full, need to get a new one) and this is what appeared. It looked like a perfect angel to me. 


Yet another awesome picture of the family!

Love My Family

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 31- Dancer


D has passed her cold onto to brighten my day, she drew me some beautiful flowers :)

Beautiful Days

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 30 - Dreaming

This is what I have wanted to do all day.... :) zzzzzzz

(pencil and watercolor)

D was loving drawing people today and what they were wearing. When I told her Daddy was on the way home, she wanted to know what he was wearing. So I called him back and asked. hehe She wanted to get the details RIGHT!

My Family

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 29 - Behind You

The FX channel aired a new show this week, American Horror Story. I finally got to watch it today while the girls napped. Great show :) So creepy weird. Anyway, it put me in the scary sketch mood..

Behind You

D saw my skeleton, and wanted to give it a try. She calls this one Skeleton Door :)

Skeleton Door

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 28 - Ocean Breeze

I found a couple great prints online that totally got my painting juices flowing :) This one was my favorite, so I tried to replicate it. Not as cool as the original, but it was still fun to do :) 

Ocean Breeze
(pencil & watercolor)

D did a self portrait of her and Mr. Ducky for the sketch today :)

Me & Ducky
(ballpoint pen)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 27 - Sitting

You have my mother to thank for this picture :) Life kicked in full force over here, and I have not made the time to sketch. My mom called me tonight, and was wondering where the daily posts were!?! I forgot that even a quick sketch is still a sketch. Hope I am back on sketching track! So here is a 10 minute quickie. It felt good to get back in the drawing chair :)


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 26 - Little D

I was looking through some prints online, trying to find some drawing inspiration, and I found a beautiful painting of a girl sleeping under a tree. The girl reminded me of my Little D, so there was my inspiration. Here is my girl, fast asleep, under a tree :)

Little D

D has been so excited about making things with her tinker toy set. This morning she brought me into our family room to show me what she had created! I bunch of beautiful flowers..... can you smell their beauty through the computer!

(tinker toys)