Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 25 - Third of A Different Color

Still practicing animals for the girls :) D said her name should be Mommy. hehehehe

Third of A Different Color
(pencil & crayon)

D painted this after dinner last night. I love when she draws our family :)

Rainbow & Us

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 24 - About A Girl

The girls are endlessly asking me to paint. What is it about painting that is so much fun?! Well, once I got the watercolors out again, I remembered how much fun painting is! I do need to get paper that is designed for watercolor. :)

About A Girl
(pencil & watercolor) 

Here is D's painting. She said this was our cat ... and that he loved playing in rainbows :)

Kitties & Rainbows

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 23 - Two of A Different Color

This would be more practice for the girl's wall. The girls love frogs :)

Two of A Different Color
(pencil & crayon)

This D painting is not new. She did this a while back, and it has always been my favorite. I have it hanging in my kitchen (waiting to be framed). D knows how much I love this picture..... so today when I asked her about drawing for the blog, she asked if I would put this one on the computer :) JOY! So now you all may share in it's beauty.

Up, Up & Away

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 22 - Waves

After the long, crazy busy weekend, I hopped back into the sketching saddle today at lunch :) D's hair was a curly mess as usual....which was my inspiration for today! Crazy, curly hair :) 

(ballpoint pen)

D also asked if she could start drawing with me! I was so excited. So please welcome D to my sketch-a-day blog! hehehe Her is her first drawing. She called it Family With Us :) 

Family With Us

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 21 - The Walk

I was at Target this week (surprise, surprise) and they had water color sets on clearance. I got a couple for the girls and I to play around with. We all had a great time painting tonight :)
PS... tomorrow and Sunday are going to be crazy busy around here, so there might be a delay in posts....just for a couple days. 

The Walk
(pencil & water color)

Day 20 - One of a Different Color

The girls had a dentist appointment this week. The office walls are covered in pictures of fish and ocean life. I was thinking about maybe painting some animals on the girl's room at home. So I thought I would try my hand at a couple animals. Here is the first one! The girls were pumped... so we shall see if he makes it up on the wall.

One of a Different Color
(pencil & crayon)

Day 19 - Laying

Earlier this week, my Mom sent a package to me, full of awesome art supplies. One of the items was a set of shading pencils. So this picture is you for you Mom! You have always supported my love of art, and I love you for that! 


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 18 - Peaceful

This sketch was inspired by a drawing I found while surfing around. I thought I would give it a try. :) Today was a super busy day... not much time to draw, so she worked out perfect for day. Simple lines, forming a peaceful girl.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 17 - Stellar

Back in the comfort zone :) hehe

(pencil & crayon tint)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 16 - The Mark

Still trying some new styles out. :)

The Mark

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 15 - Alone

Just alone with my thoughts :)


Day 14 - Just One Bite

With my back out again, drawing has been difficult to accomplish. So my daily posting may be a little sporadic until I get this back under control :) As you can see from most of my posts, I favor drawing women. So I thought I would try to do something new to work outside my comfort zone. My girls were watching Snow White the other day, and that movie gave me the idea for this drawing. In my imagination, this is where an evil witch would go to pick a poison apple.

Just One Bite
(pencil & crayon tint)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 13 - Close Up

Better late than never :)

Close Up
pencil & marker

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 12 - Standing

(ballpoint pen)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day - 11 Red Secret

While looking through some prints online, I saw a girl drawn in this style. I loved it and wanted to give it a try :)

Red Secret
(marker & ballpoint pen)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 10 - Exposed

No real story behind this one. Just is what it is :) I was thinking about doing some tinting in this one. So you might see a similar drawing later on with some tinting incorporated. 

(ballpoint pen) 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 9 - The Shift

I drew "The Shift" this Sunday morning, sipping a nice cup of coffee, while my daughters ate cereal across the table from me. I love being able to create at our kitchen table, with my girls near by. Usually things are not calm enough for that to happen, so I enjoyed this moment immensely.

The Shift
(ballpoint pen)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 8 - The Look of Love

Here is a look of love for MY love, on our anniversary. Happy anniversary Darryl. I love you so freaking much! XOXOXO

Look of Love
(pencil with crayon tints)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 7 - Black Cat

A while back I saw a poster similar to this drawing. I loved it so much, it inspired me to create my own rendition of it. 

Black Cat

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 6 - 52 Thoughts

I started this drawing with the mindset of drawing a creepy girl coming to "get you." That feeling didn't come across the way I wanted, so I tried to soften her appearance. At time she still creeps me out :) By the end I had more of a "thinking" feeling coming from her... hence the 52 Thoughts. Why 52? Thats for me to know and for you to never find out. :)

52 Thoughts

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 5 - Bruised Smiles

This is one of those "you decide whats going on." How did she become bruised? Why is she smiling? 
You decide :) 

Bruised Smiles

Day 4 - Naked No Face Lady

Women are going to be a reoccurring thing in the 365 journey of drawing. I find them much for fun to draw then men. This chica here originally had wings. You might be able to see them faintly on the paper.  After I got some of the wings done, they just didn't feel right, so away they went!

Naked No Face Lady

Day 3 - Anime Eye

I have always loved the anime look. Those big, glossy, eyes get me every time. This was one of my attempts.

Anime Eye

Day 2 - Evil Elf

This little Evil Elf was drawn while my husband and I watched Ghost Hunters. This particular show was taking place in some very CREEPY woods :)

Evil Elf
(ballpoint pen)

Day 1 - Lady

Day one, this lovey lady came out of my pen. 

(Ballpoint pen)